I couldn't duplicate the problem under Linux of the manga pages not centering in full screen, so I finished off some of the other fixes I've been working on and uploaded v1.4.3. I'm missing a couple of files needed to rebuild the full installers, though, so it will be a day or two before I replace the v1.4.2 installers. To upgrade, simply unzip the Manga_Reader.exe file to your installation directory, which is most likely c:\Program Files\Manga Reader or c:\Program Files (x86)\Manga Reader on 64 bit systems. The same file upgrades both x32 and x64 versions.
Fixes included with v1.4.3:
New features:
Fixes included with v1.4.3:
- Fixed: Starting a 2nd instance of the program no longer causes a Windows error when running as a normal user.
- Fixed: Moved manga picturebox to front of display list so that it always sits in front of the split bar button. Should help with running under Wine on Linux. Changed some other settings to help with this problem as well.
- Fixed: Mangas list now properly selects bookmark instead of first page. Corrected error with Manga selection appearing blank.
- Fixed: Possible fix for overflow error when loading settngs.
- Fixed: Under certain conditions, changing the background color didn't work right. Should work properly now.
New features:
- Added: F5 now refreshes manga list.
- Changed: Default settings. Lanczos3 now default renderer. Preview page disabled.